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TTABlog Test: How Well Do You Know Your TTAB "Factors"?


Certain case names are associated with certain factors that the TTAB considers in deciding certain issues. For example, in assessing likelihood of confusion the Board applies the "DuPont factors. See if you can match the case names listed below with the issue that each addressses. [Answers provfided in first comment.]

Case Name
1Benthin A2(a) deceptiveness
2Budge Bexcusable neglect
3Converse C2(a) false connection
4DuPont D2(e)(2)
5Great Seats E2(e)(3)
6Morton-Norwich F2(d)
7Newbridge Cutlery G2(f)
8Notre Dame Huntimely disclosure
9Pioneer I2(e)(4)
10Spirits Int'l J2(e)(5)

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TTABlogger comment: If you put the case name in the TTABlog search engine, you will find references to the factors.

Text Copyright John L. Welch 2021.



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